All the Colours of the Rainbow Read online
Page 2
“That’s not what I meant!”
“Isn’t it?”
He runs his fingers through his hair. “Okay. Well, maybe it is.”
I laugh but it’s not in amusement. “Oh, Scott. I’m sorry but I don’t work like that. I do have a life, you know.”
He snorts. “Obviously.”
I snort back. “That’s what Friends with Benefits is. I never said anything about exclusivity, did I?”
“No. I just assumed.....”
“You assumed wrong. For all I know, you and your wife are at it like rabbits.” He is seriously annoying me now and I turn to walk away. I’ve got better things to do than stand around and debate morality with an adulterer.
He runs ahead of me and blocks my path. “Hey, we’re not done here!”
My heart is racing. His eyes are dark but not with his usual passion. All I see is rage and anger - and it scares the hell out of me. I take a deep breath. “Oh yes we are. No-one tells me what to do. Not ever. Not you. Not any man. Now get the fuck out of my way unless you want me to scream my head off!” I don’t wait for his response as I push past him and walk quickly. I can feel his eyes burning into my back but I don’t turn around.
As my heart start calming down, I ease my pace and as I turn at the end of the road, I risk a quick look back. I sigh with relief to see that he’s not there. Despite being argumentative in nature, I intensely dislike confrontation. It unnerves me.
Taking a deep breath, I walk to the bus stop, getting there just as it arrives. As I sit and drift off, I think about Emil. I was wrong about Scott. I hope with all my heart that I’m not wrong about him too.
Chapter Four
I feel like a giddy teenager as I nervously wait for Emil to arrive, all excited before a big date. What on earth do I wear? Black lace? Red satin? Or how about virginal white? Maybe not! After a lot of deliberation I finally decide what to wear to excite him then cover myself up with a kimono.
I wonder what his home is like as I look around my own modest little house. A living room, small but functional kitchen, bathroom and the all-important bedroom. It’s not much but it’s my home. I bet he’s got a really flash penthouse apartment - all modern and minimalistic. Lots of clean lines and angles and no clutter. Gadgets. I bet he’s got lots of gadgets - but then again, so do I.
My stomach somersaults as I hear a car pull up, recognising the deep purr of Emil’s gorgeous little sports car. I pad downstairs barefoot, almost slipping in my haste. Opening the door slightly, I smile as I watch him debate whether to park on my drive or be discreet and park a short distance away. He sees me watching and shrugs, smiling when I point to the drive. He quickly parks up and grabs his overnight bag.
He looks almost sheepish as he reaches me. “I’m sorry but I did not know where to leave the car.”
There are times when the big, powerful tycoon is nowhere to be seen. “I think that if you intend to stay the night then the least a hostess can do is to provide her guest with a parking space.”
He’s still mumbling as I open the door wide enough to let him in. “I did not wish to sully your reputation with your neighbours.”
I laugh and throw my arms around his neck. “Oh, Emil. I think you’re a bit too late for late!”
He eases me back against the wall, his eyes shining with amusement. “Oh? Am I now?”
“You are.”
Putting a hand on his chest in mock-horror, he asks “Are you telling me that you are actually the local scarlet woman, my peach?”
I smirk. “I am.”
He smirks back and presses hard against me - and he’s hard in all the right places! “Oh good. I am so very pleased.” He kisses me slow and again the smell of him intoxicates me. “I would hate to think that I was at the wrong address.”
“Mmmm. I would hate to think that all the time I spent choosing which lingerie to wear to inflame your passion would go to waste on someone calling on me by mistake.”
He takes a step back, still smirking and raising his eyebrows. “And what did you choose for me? I must admit the little black negligee you wore in London was extremely arousing.” His fingers undo the belt on my kimono.
My heart is already racing as I lick my lips. “I couldn’t decide but in the end I close this.” I let the kimono fall to the floor. “What do you think, Emil? Do you like it?”
Emil closes his eyes and smiles. “Oh, Sarah. You are truly beautiful. Even the most expensive lingerie is nothing compared to your bare skin.” He opens his eyes, the desire in them clear to see. “And you do know, don’t you, that this is exactly what arouses me the most. Your flesh. Just your exquisite, naked body.”
“Are you going to just stand there and ogle me in my hallway or are you going to get your lusty French ass upstairs?”
Another seriously sexy smirk. My God, he absolutely oozes sexiness. “I like ogling. I like what it is that I’m ogling. I like it so very much.” His fingers dance lightly over my flesh, my nipples hardening at his barest touch. I shiver, my sex clenching as his knuckles brush my stripes. Lips touch my neck, my chest and my breasts before he drops to his knees. Just his proximity to my sex is enough to get me hot and bothered and I sigh as he kisses my stomach, stroking my hair. “Oh, Peach. This is truly lovely. Thank you.”
Before I can reply, he throws me over his shoulder in a fireman’s lift, patting my ass. “Emil!”
“I am - to use your words - getting my lusty French ass upstairs!” I cry out as he takes a nibble of a cheek before carrying me upstairs and launching me onto the bed. He wiggles a finger at me. “And let me tell you something - I am feeling extremely lusty!”
I lie on the bed watching as he strips, liking what I see. The more time I spend with this man, the more he gives me; the more I learn from him. As he pulls his t-shirt over his head, he raises his eyebrows. “Are you ogling me, my juicy peach?”
“I am.”
“I see.” He flings his t-shirt to one side and I sit up and crawl over the bed to him. He tenses slightly as I touch and kiss his scar, the hard tissue cold to the touch. I kiss and lick it, stroking his taut stomach as he lowers his hands to stroke my hair. I begin to undo his jeans, kissing his stomach before blowing a raspberry into his navel.
I laugh as Emil places his hand over my face and pushes me back onto the bed. I lick my lips as he pulls his zip down with one hand, wiggling that finger at me with the other. “You stay exactly where you are!” As he pushes his jeans down, I gasp as his cock springs free.
I clap my hands together, squealing in excitement as I crawl towards him. “Emil! We’re wearing matching underwear!” My desire to take him in my mouth is overwhelming as I near him. I can feel my mouth watering as I breathe him in and I groan deeply “Oh, Emil!”
He laughs and again places his hand over my face, keeping me from devouring his tasty cock. I press my tongue hard against his palm as he crouches down, his face close to mine. My eyes are wide, wild with my need to feast upon him. Growling and snarling, I push against his palm, as he puts his mouth close to my ear. “Are you hungry, my little animal?”
Hungry? I’m hungry, hot and horny as fucking hell! I lick his palm and nip him with my teeth, making him jump.
“Why you little beast!” He pushes me back on the bed again and climbs on, easing his body on top of me. Grabbing my hands, he raises them over my head before kissing the breath from me. I’m gasping for breath as he breaks the kiss, keeping me pinned beneath him. God, I’m hot! The full weight of him on me, his hard cock between us and the way he’s looking at me is driving me crazy!
Chapter Five
I struggle to get my hands free, my heart pounding in my chest. Emil chuckles, smiling as he easily subdues me, kissing me passionately over and over until I stop struggling and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close. I moan into his mouth, giggling as
he wriggles between my legs, making me come.
“Emil!” I cry out in protest as gentle pulses of heat ripple through my sex.
He wriggles again, laughing. “You have no-one to blame but yourself and your never-ending appetite.”
I reach down and grab his ass. “It’s your fault! You lie there, squashing me, your spectacular hard cock pressing my clit, making me come.” I moan as he shuffles again and another quick orgasm breaches.
“Oh, Sarah!” Emil roars with laughter as I squirm beneath him. He strokes my face as I curse him profusely. “You must promise me something, my disgraceful girl.”
I gasp as he presses and squashes me to another orgasm. “What? Stop making me come! Oh Emil!” I moan. He fidgets. I come. And then he stills, kisses me softly and lets me calm down.
Smiling, he looks me in the eyes as I glare at him. “You must promise me, Sarah, that you will never change.” I don’t know what to say but as I open my mouth to say something, he kisses me and wriggles me to bliss again. I’m laughing and kissing and slapping this infuriating orgasm-giving machine as he finally relents and rolls off me.
I’m still laughing and hitting him as he props himself up beside me. “Have you quite finished?” I growl at him, breathing hard.
He does his shrug thing. “For now. How many this time? Six, maybe seven?”
He raises his hands to protect himself, laughing as I hit him repeatedly. “You bloody swine! Stop counting!” He grabs me and pulls me on top of him. I prop myself up onto my elbows and look at him. “And what exactly are you looking so damn smug about?”
The shrug again. “I am in bed with the most amazing woman I have known in many, many years.” His voice is quiet and serious and my heart squeezes. “She is more than a little crazy, I think. But she is so beautiful and bright and quite possibly the most dynamic woman I have ever known.”
I sit up, my hands on his chest. My heart is beating fit to burst and for once I’m at a complete loss for words. I close my eyes as his hands slide up my body and caress my breasts. Resting my hands on his, I take a deep breath before raising them to my mouth and kissing his palms.
Holding my gaze, he takes my hands to his lips, kissing my fingers before smirking at me and slapping my ass. “And she gets me hard just by being in the same room!”
“She has a fantastic ass, too!” Another slap!
“Emil - I’m warning you!”
“She is amazing with her mouth.” Slap! “Her sex is so wonderfully hot and wet.” Slap! “And she plays such naughty, dirty, sexy games!” Slap! Slap! “And she dyes her bush for me. Such a cheeky girl, she is.” Slap!
I lean down and kiss him hard. “You dreadful Frenchman!” I groan, smiling with my lips still on his. He sucks my bottom lip as he rolls me onto my back. Taking my hands over my head again, he smiles as he looks at me. Realising that his grip is reasonably loose, I quickly slip from his grasp. Kissing him briefly, I wriggle my way down his fantastic body.
“Where are you going, Peach?” he chuckles, raising himself up onto his elbows - knowing exactly where I’m going and groaning in anticipation when I reach my target.
I lick my lips, growling. “Come to Sarah, you delicious man.” I stroke his ass as I open my mouth directly beneath his straining cock. “Mmmmm....” His velvety flesh tastes so good as I slide my lips over the head. Emil shifts in time with my sucks as I lie snugly beneath him. I lick and kiss the head as he slides in slow, shallow movements.
I squeeze his ass, urging him to feed me more. And he does. Slowly and carefully, she slides more of his hot shaft into my hungry mouth. I hear soft words mumbled as he glances down and our eyes meet. He grins and moans as he shifts his weight, softly thrusting his cock between my lips.
I twirl my tongue over the head, moaning as he dips in and out. I love the feel of his firm butt in my hands and the taste of his salty flesh on my tongue. As he moves, easing more in side, I marvel at what lies behind this. Trust. I’m pinned beneath him, completely at his mercy. He could face-fuck me as hard as he likes and satisfy himself as he sees fit. Instead, he subtly guides his cock, my growing trust in him not misplaced. I love how it makes me feel and I smile - or rather I smile as much as I can with a cock in my mouth!
He pulls back to kneel astride me, my breasts snug against his torso. I grin and lick my lips, eyeing with interest his cock as it hovers over my face. I pat his ass. “I haven’t finished eating yet.” Emil smirks and leans forward, his cock tantalisingly close to my lips.
“If I put my cock in your mouth again, my darling girl, I will explode.” He strokes my face, gently nudging my lips with the head.
I smirk and try to capture him with my tongue. “Oh, can explode in my mouth as much as you want!”
“Mmm. My greedy girl - that’s what you are.” He leans forward more and slides inside my mouth, deep and slow, like the groan he makes. “ beautiful greedy girl.” He strokes my face and breasts as he slides himself back out.
“Hey! Bring that cock back here!”
He covers himself up, all horrified and modest. This new playful Emil is an absolute delight. “Oh no, you don’t!” And then he climbs back over me, his eyes burning into my body, his cock lying on my stomach. I feel like I’m in a sexual vacuum, he’s taken all my breath away. Here in my bed, today, now, he’s all there is, all I need - and all I want. I prop myself on my elbows to kiss him, slow and soft before reaching up to pull him down on me. I wrap my arms around his neck, my legs around his legs as our bodies intertwine completely. Just lying here, kissing and caressing, unhurried and carefree is the most divine sensation. I could drown in it.
As I come up for air, those blue eyes twinkle at me. “What?”
“Oh, my Sarah. How much more relaxed and sure of yourself you are than the last time I was in your bed.”
I laugh. “The last time you were here you weren’t invited!”
“This is true.” He gives me a quick kiss. “I am so pleased you invited me back - as you can feel.”
“Mmmm...I can indeed.”
A brief smirk appears on his face. “I seem to recall you saying something about a flag and a flag pole. And a celebration.”
“I did.”
“Yes - I thought you did. Now, where did I see some red, white and blue?” He kneels between my outstretched legs, stroking my hair. “Ah, oui.” He wiggles his eyebrows, smiling. “C’est magnifique!”
Then all I can do is writhe and gasp as his mouth is on me. As his fingers stroke my hair, his mouth licking and sucking my wet folds. Scratching my hair lightly, his tongue slips in and out of my wet sex. He is quite simply the best there is with his mouth. His lips and his tongue leave me in a state of ecstasy from the very first second he touches me. I have to use every shred of self-control not to climax too soon.
I groan as he nudges my clit with his nose as he kisses me slow and hard. He drags his thick tongue along the folds of my sex in one smooth slide, flicking my clit with the tip. Using a single finger, Emil teases my wet entrance, drawing circles in my juice as he kisses each stripe in turn.
Raising himself up, Emil moves to kneel between my legs, his fingers still teasing me. He watches my responses as he strokes and circles me. “You are my sexy red, white and blue.” He’s teasing me, watching my need grow and I love it. “The blue of your eyes and the white of your skin.” He slides two fingers inside me. “But the red of your arousal, it is my favourite. Such a delicious red.”
I gasp as he returns his mouth to me, kissing and sucking fast and passionate. Deep moans and groans catch in my throat as I grip the sheet, Emil driving me wild. Fingers slide easily into my wet, swollen sex as his tongue and lips concentrate on my aching clit.
I throw my legs wide, squirming and writhing, crying out in joy as Emil pushes his face hard into my
sex, taking a leg over each shoulder. My body starts to shake as I feel a thrilling build-up of tension that can only be the start of a series of orgasms. I feel so swollen, hot and wet as he sucks and kisses me harder and harder and I climb higher and higher. My head thrashes from side to side and my face hurts from smiling so much.
My breath is shallow and light, my head in another time zone as Emil licks and sucks my clit. And then I hit orgasm - and I hit it hard! I scream as my body arches and falls, Emil clinging on for dear life. I shout his name as the orgasms break with relentless speed and juices burst from my throbbing sex with such force I can feel them flooding down my thighs.
But he doesn’t pull away. He drinks and slurps my hot juices as the flow from my sex, pushed out by throbs and pulses of extraordinary ferocity. The sensations are almost too much. My head is spinning, my heart is beating wildly, my limbs have turned to jelly and I’m shaking from top to toe. I feel like I’ve had the most wonderful electric shock. Even though he’s done this to me on more than one occasion, the effect his mouth has on me still renders me absolutely defenceless.
Chapter Six
I’m laughing and gasping and groaning his name as he gives me one last kiss below before moving up to kiss me hard on the lips, my taste fresh and hot. I rest a hand on his face, his jaw sticky from my juice, laughing. “Oh, Emil - I’m so sorry!”
Propping himself up, he looks down at me as I lie beneath him, all flushed and breathless. “Sorry? What on earth do you have to be sorry about, Peach?”
I cover my face with my hands, peeping through my fingers. “You could have drowned!”
He moves my hands away, chuckling very sexily. “It was a distinct possibility. That was quite a torrent of lust!”
I can feel myself blushing. “I couldn’t help it! I just.......”