Sarahs Sexploits - The Beginning Read online
Title Page
K T Red
Publisher Information
Sarah’s Sexploits: The Beginning published in 2012
by Andrews UK Limited
This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
The characters and situations in this book are entirely imaginary and bear no relation to any real person or actual happening.
Copyright © K T Red 2012
The right of K T Red to be identified as author of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Chapter One
I’m a very lucky girl. In fact, I’m a very, very lucky girl. I work for a company where there are one hundred and forty seven employees - and only three are women. You can put the men into two categories. There are the suits - the office boys, the drones that inevitably populate the majority of working environments. Pen pushers; the usual boring, superficial, arrogant type. Designer clothes and expensive colognes not to mention their glowing fake tans. A few of them are very good looking but they know it. They think they’re so special and flirt with me and the other two girls to our presumed - incorrectly - delight. Not my type. Not my type at all.
And then there are the factory workers and engineers - the real men, men who get dirty and sweaty. There’s just something satisfyingly primeval about a man who makes his living with his hands. They’re the ones I watch, the ones I’m interested in. I watch them sometimes from my office window or when I walk through the factory to clock in each morning. The older ones with their easy going charm and self-confidence, their wealth of knowledge and experience who probably know a lot of sinfully wicked tricks. Like the saying goes, there’s many a good tune played on an old fiddle! Young, athletic ones full of vigour and energy, less skillful perhaps but a lot less inhibited - and a lot more enduring. There’s one in particular who catches my eye and gets me warm just by looking at me. Scott.
He’s recently become a father for the second time and, on a recent visit to the factory floor, I accidentally overheard him telling his workmate about his wife’s lack of interest in anything but the new baby. I empathise with her of course - no, I genuinely do - but we all have our basic, animal needs and desires. And these needs and desires have to be satisfied. And let’s be brutally honest here, if our needs aren’t being satisfied at home there will inevitably come a point in time when it becomes soul-destroying and we feel that there is no choice but to seek that satisfaction elsewhere. By the way he moves I’d guess he is more than capable of satisfying a girl’s needs many, many times over. Tall, tanned, dark hair and eyes. He almost glides, stealthy like a big cat - strong and powerful yet graceful at the same time. Oh my God - if he was mine I wouldn’t even let him out of the bedroom. He is simply gorgeous.
What makes him even more attractive is he’s also a really nice man. Funny too. And he’s smart, has a brain - not like some of the other good looking ones who are all show and no substance. Much as I like a bloody good screw with a young fit body, I need a little something upstairs as well. That’s just as exciting, just as arousing - if not more. The mind is just as much of a sexual organ as any other part of the body. Filthy mind, filthy body.
I have to work late tonight finishing the annual stock take. Part of my job includes doing the company payroll - which of course includes the lovely Scott - so I know full well he is scheduled to work the late shift today. I’m having some difficulty in reconciling the actual physical number of traction motors with the number the computer software says we should have. So I’ll have to take a little walk to the factory floor. To double check, you understand. Just to make absolutely sure.
Even the thought of bumping into him is making me hot - and more than a little moist. Since I first met him, I’ve imagined a whole host of different and very sizzling scenarios. Bent over my desk, paperwork scattered all over my office carpet. Up against the wall round the back of the storehouse, my legs wrapped around his waist, gripping him, urging him on. Feeling him explode in my mouth as his moans echo throughout the empty factory. I got so carried away daydreaming about him one day that I had to go to the ladies restroom and relieve myself as quietly as I could - which wasn‘t exactly easy. I’ve never been so grateful that the restroom is discreetly tucked away round the side of the building away from the rest of the offices!
I think it’s time I took that walk if only to cool myself down. The few men that are working give a quick wave, nod or shout a cheeky greeting at me as I work my way through the main building to the warehouse around the back. They all like me because they think I’m “down to earth and friendly” - their words, not mine. If only they knew what was going on inside my down to earth, friendly head and how much more down to earth and friendly I could be.
I can see John - his workmate - so Scott must be around here somewhere.
“Hi John.”
“Hey, Sarah. Don’t usually see you here at this time of day.”
“Tell me about it - it’s the annual stock take again, you know how it is. Is Scott around? I need a bit of help with the stock numbers. I can‘t get them to match up and it‘s driving me crazy!” I’m trying to sound casual when I really want to ask “Where’s Scott? I want him to fuck me to within an inch of my life!”
“He’s in the stock room somewhere. He was checking the heavy wheel sets before so he’s probably right at the back.”
“Thanks. I’m sure I’ll find him.” John’s a nice guy too, good looking but a bit forty watt if you know what I mean - the light’s on but not quite brightly enough to interest me. He’s also, I reckon, strictly missionary; would give you a perfectly acceptable fuck but with little finesse - and no witty conversation afterwards. He could probably manage to mumble “How was it for you?” before rolling over and falling asleep, snoring.
As I make way over to the stockroom door, I glance back and see John wandering off to the main building. This bodes well - the gods must be looking down on me. I close the door quietly behind me and look around for Scott. It’s so eerie in here - all hollow and echoing. I’m even walking on my tiptoes so I don’t make a sound. I can’t see him but I can hear him moving around and follow the source of the noise. I have no idea what he’s doing but it sounds quite physical judging by the grunts and groans I can hear.
I can scarcely believe my eyes as I find him - leaning with his back against the wall, eyes closed tight, his hand wrapped tightly round his cock, pumping away.
Chapter Two
His overalls are hanging off his hips and his bare chest is shiny with sweat. Part of me knows I should just turn around and walk away but I can’t move. I just stand there, completely and totally mesmerised. I’ve never watched any man masturbate before let alone one as hot as Scott. I can’t move and I can’t tear my eyes away. The sheer concentration on his face as he moves his hand up and down his quite sizeable shaft is amazing. Not only is he a beautiful looking man, he is beautifully equipped as well.
He grimaces as he circles his thumb over the head, drawing in his breath. My own breath catches in my chest as I watch him quicken and hear him moan louder with increasing need. Placing a hand on my chest, I can feel how fast my heart is beating. I can’t help but lick my lips at the sight of that hard cock. I f
eel the heat in my stomach build watching him and his skilfully speedy hand. He grits his teeth then cries out as he climaxes, his hand squeezing the almost purple head as his load bursts out of the eye, spilling on to the floor. What a shameful waste. I’d have savoured every single drop.
My heart is racing in my chest and I gasp as he suddenly opens his eyes. Our eyes meet and after a few seconds, he turns away, cursing. He fidgets and it’s clear that he’s tucking himself away.
“How long have you been standing there?” he asks, turning back, looking angry and embarrassed at the same time.
“Long enough.” I’m trying to sound cool even though my heart is racing.
“Jesus, Sarah. For fuck’s sake!” He wipes his hand over his face. “I don’t know what to say to you. What do I do now?”
“What do you mean? I don’t understand.”
“For fuck’s sake, Sarah. What do you think I mean? Are you stupid or something? This could cost me my job - being caught having a sly wank by a female member of staff! Not to mention the fact that I’d become a laughing stock among the guys. I can hear them now - poor Scotty, so desperate to get his end away that he has to jerk off at work.” He’s close to tears, his voice hitching. He must be mortified, caught in what should have been a very private and personal act.
“Scott, I’m not going to say anything.” Holding his gaze, I walk over to him and gently place a hand on his arm. I’m not frightened by his anger, quite the opposite. I do like a man with fire in his belly. Oh my God - he is so blindingly buff. “I thought you knew me a little bit better than that.”
He sighs then looks away. He can barely look me in the eye. “Oh God. I’ve just been caught jerking off like a schoolboy. And you - you just stood there and watched!” Turning back, he glares at me with those eyes made more beautiful brimming with his tears. He roughly pulls his arm away from me. “How could you just stand there and watch?”
“I couldn’t help myself. I just couldn‘t look away.” I don’t know what else to say - it’s the truth.
He looks shocked but then bursts out laughing. “I shouldn’t say this but I’m glad it was you - not one of the other two. They’re both too uptight, you know. You’re more down to earth, more normal - human.” I laugh too. “Oh fuck. Sarah , I’m sorry I shouted but....oh, you know what I mean.”
“It’s okay.” I sit on a pile of boxes nearby. “Is it that bad, Scott? At home, I mean.”
He bows his head and lets out a long breath before sitting next to me. “Oh well, I suppose we have no secrets now you’ve seen me pumping away with my cock in my hand.” Dear God, please don’t remind me! I could close my eyes and live off that spellbinding image for weeks! “It’s just - she’s so bloody preoccupied with the baby, you know. He’s six months old and we haven’t - well, you know - since he was born or for the last two months of her pregnancy either. I love her, I really do. But it’s like she doesn’t need me anymore, that my needs don’t matter anymore. I’m only flesh and blood, for Christ’s sake. Does that make me sound like a selfish bastard?”
“No - just honest. And human.” I should leave him alone with his thoughts but I can’t get the image of him out of my head. Chest shiny and bared and him holding his swollen cock. Half-jokingly I say “You could always find yourself what I believe is called a Friend with Benefits - someone in a similar situation. Just lots of good old fashioned sex with no ties. Mutual need. Purely a physical arrangement with no awkward emotional issues.”
He snorts. “Yeah, I’ve thought about that but where would I find someone like that. I’ve thought about it a lot. Risky though. As well as being up for it, she’d need to be mega-discreet. Someone like that wouldn’t exactly be under my nose, would she?”
Taking a deep breath, I take my life in my hands and reply. “Actually, Scott, yes she would. That’s exactly where she would be, sitting right under your nose, right next to you.” I turn to look at him and he’s just sitting there, staring at me. “I’ve been right her - under your nose for months. You just haven‘t noticed - or been ready to notice.”
Chapter Three
He doesn’t say anything but gets to his feet and paces. Oh my God - the way that guy moves is incredible! I wonder if maybe I should have kept my mouth shut but it’s a bit too late for that now. My heart’s in my mouth, watching him as he quickly paces up and down like a caged animal. He stops and looks at me. “You? Are you being serious?” I simply smile and raise my eyebrows. “But you could have anyone you wanted - one of the bosses, with their flashy cars and fat salaries. Why me? What do you want someone like me for?”
Oh, Scott. Where do I start? I get to my feet and walk over to him, stopping about a foot away. “I’ve watched you - discreetly, I hope - from a safe distance for months. The way you move; the way you run your hands through your hair when you’re thinking something over; the way you laugh - even the sound of your voice.” I move closer, barely inches away. “Wondered what it would feel like to finally get my hands on you, feel your flesh under my fingertips, to taste you. To have you taste me.” I look towards the floor then raise my eyes to meet his again. “To have what I’ve just seen in your hands buried in me right the way to the hilt!”
“I see.“ He closes his eyes briefly. Taking a deep breath, his mouth opens as if to say something then closes again. He looks away for a second before those big browns burn into my blues. “You know it could get very messy.”
“Oh, I hope so.” I know what he really means but he needn’t worry. I don’t do conventional; the normal and mundane. It isn’t in my nature. It was - once upon a time - but not anymore. I don’t need the hassle. I‘ll never make demands or have expectations. Neither do I want demands made of me. I get my kicks from the pleasure of living for the moment, in the moment. I’m here. He’s here. Now. Today. I’ll deal with tomorrow as and when - or if - it happens.
He laughs. “Well, this is turning out to be one hell of an eventful shift.”
“And it isn’t over yet, Scott. Not by a long way.” I put my hands on his still bare chest and feel that his heart is beating almost as fast as my own. His skin feels damp and hot under my fingers as I let them roam over his body. He’s nicely toned without being overly muscular. I like it. I like it a whole lot. Awesome broad shoulders and a very sexy Celtic design tattoo on a bicep. His arms are bronzed from all the hours he works outside.
He grabs a fistful of my hair before lowering his face to mine and kissing me with a ferocious hunger. I feel like my jaw is going to break as he pushes against me. He’s hungry and devouring like a starving animal. Bruising, almost violent kisses taking my breath away. I try to pull away but he holds me there, insistent, bordering on brutal. Then he lets me go and I stagger back, gasping for breath and reeling.
“Jesus, Scott!” Placing my hand on my chest, I can feel my heart thumping.
His eyes are wide and dark and there‘s a terrifyingly sexy, almost feral smirk on his handsome face. “What did you expect, little girl? I’ve got needs and urges and desires that haven’t been satisfied for a bloody long time. I don’t feel like playing it nice and gentle. Feel free to turn around and walk away if you don‘t think you can handle it!”
I smile and slowly push him back against the wall. “Oh my word, Scott. Trust me - I am more than capable of handling you and anything you plan on doing to me with that magnificent monster you‘ve got down there.” Those lips press against mine as I match his pace. Fast and furious. I can feel every inch of him against my body, the heat of his skin; feel his heart beating against my own. He’s already as hard as a rock and I ease my hand down the front of his overalls.
He’s even bigger than I thought and my hand barely manages to wrap around his shaft. He kisses me harder as I start a slow stroking rhythm. He moans into my mouth as he pauses to catch his breath. I give the large, thick length a squeeze before holding the exquisite head in the palm of my hand
Circling the smooth tip with my thumb, I nibble his jaw as he tilts his head back. I close my eyes and listen as he sighs with contentment and in anticipation of long overdue satisfaction. Slowly, I drag my tongue up the centre of his neck, over his Adam’s apple up to his mouth, kissing him. Hard.
I match the motions of my lips with the circular movement of my thumb, really working up his need. Moving my lips to his ear, I whisper “Tell me what you want. Tell me what you want me to do for you, Scott.” I give him a slight squeeze. “I’ll do anything you want me to do. What do you really want? What do you want more than anything?” My hand resumes stroking his cock as his breathing deepens.
“Mmm........this feels so nice....” He widens his legs, leaning hard against the wall for support. His eyes are half closed as he moves his hands down, pushing his overalls lower and freeing his hot flesh.
“Tell me what you want, Scott.” I nibble his earlobe. “What do you want me to do for you? What do you really want, Scott? Tell me.”
“Oh...Sarah...I want your mouth. I want to feel your lips and your tongue rolling over me. I want to feel your hot mouth all over me as you suck me off.”
“Oh, yummy. I thought you’d never ask.”
Chapter Four
Without saying anything else, I carefully lower myself onto my knees, keeping him tightly wrapped in my hand. Releasing him, I let my hands roam over his thighs before cupping his balls. I move my tongue over them in a figure of eight, licking and sucking each one in turn. Pursing my lips, I gently blow them dry so I can make them all wet again as I listen to his groans and moans of contentment.
I tightly grip his cock as I lick all over his balls before placing my moist lips at the base of his shaft. Soft moans and sighs follow as I butterfly kiss my way up the ridge to the edge of the helmet. I flick my tongue against the rim then slide it up, over the head. Poising my lips over the eye, I pause and glance up.