Three of a Kind Read online
Title Page
K T Red
Publisher Information
Sarah’s Sexploits: Three of a Kind published in 2012
by Andrews UK Limited
This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
The characters and situations in this book are entirely imaginary and bear no relation to any real person or actual happening.
Copyright © K T Red 2012
The right of K T Red to be identified as author of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Chapter One
We all have those naughty little “indulgences“. That certain something special we treat ourselves to once or twice a year. We know that it’s probably very bad for us, that we really shouldn’t but we just can’t seem to help ourselves. That persistent little itch we can’t help but scratch. I’m no different. I don’t want it every day, every week or even every month. But one or two times a year is enough to meet my needs and satisfy that desire for something above and beyond the classic vanilla. Mine goes by the name of Annie.
I’d never thought of myself as being even the slightest bit bisexual - or even curious - but from the first time I met her I just found myself being incredibly attracted to her. She’s so pretty, petite and delicate - like a porcelain doll. She’s British born but her parents are originally from China. She has the most gorgeous jet black hair almost to her waist and dazzling almond shaped green eyes.
She first came to the factory two years ago as part of the accounting team to conduct our annual financial audit. When they had finished, we all went to the local pub for a few drinks to celebrate and it just went from there. We were the last ones there and when it came to saying goodnight, neither of us wanted to. One drunken, tentative kiss led to another and another and then to the first sexual experience that either of us had with another woman. A few hours in my bed was all it took to satisfy each other’s curiosity.
Annie has a steady boyfriend, who is absolutely stunning, and I - as you know - play the field. It is nothing more than a bit of harmless exploration of the softer option for the two of us. Her boyfriend doesn’t know and doesn’t need to know. And neither do either of my current playmates. We are just each other’s little itch.
I must be the only member of any accounts department that actually looks forward to the annual audit taking place. I look forward to the quick, stolen and knowing glances we exchange. I look forward to having to work alongside her and the exciting, briefest touch of fingers while going through paperwork, keeping up the pretence of being formal and business-like when the only business we‘re really thinking about is monkey business. I look forward to seeing her slinking down our corridors in her business suit which does little to disguise the exquisite body beneath it.
The men in suits can’t help themselves, feeling obligated to make not so subtle advances then make snide comments behind her back when she rejects them - albeit politely - and dents their egos. They are so moronically predictable and quite frankly they should just have saved their breath. She is so far out of their league it’s just not true! She’s probably a little out of mine as well, truth be told.
She’ll be out of my life for good soon. She’s moving overseas in a few weeks from now - a once in a lifetime career opportunity too good to let slip by which she more than deserves. This year’s audit has almost been completed. Annie won’t be back here again after today so it’s is our last chance to say goodbye.
My life has become quite a bit more complicated over the course of the last few weeks - my sex life, that is. Passionate, brief encounters in the warehouse with a hot and unbelievably sexy pair of overalls that goes by the name of Scott and a new - I don’t quite know what to call it - understanding, I suppose, with our new French Managing Director, Monsieur Emil. Maybe Annie leaving is for the best. She’s probably one complication too many. But I will miss her even though we only get together for a few precious hours once in the proverbial blue moon.
My initial meeting with Emil last week had a decidedly unexpected outcome. After the humiliation and shock wore off, I started calmly thinking about what had happened. About the cameras - especially the one he’s got hidden in his office. And about how I could turn it to my advantage. A quick, flirty chat with our cute and appealingly geeky IT lad produced some extremely useful information, information I have promised to amply reward him for at some point in the near future. Information I intend to put to good (but rather immoral - and possibly distasteful) use tonight with my beautiful Annie.
We’ve agreed to work on a few hours after work tonight to get as far along with the audit figures as we can. But we both know that it won’t just be the company’s figures we’ll be working on. I’m looking forward to getting to grips with that beautifully toned, golden figure of hers.
I can hear her high heels clicking on the stone floor as she walks along the corridor to my office and my stomach flips. My door opens slowly and she almost pours herself in, shutting the door behind her and leaning against it. She tilts her head to one side, smiling, her long, dark hair pulled over one shoulder. She looks absolutely gorgeous today but then she always does.
I have a big smile on my face as I say “Hey you.”
Annie has the most devastating smile. “Hey back at you, too.” she giggles and walks over to my desk, sitting in the spare chair beside me. She is the type of woman most women feel themselves naturally obligated to hate. She is the prettiest, smartest, kindest, funniest and quite simply the most adorable woman I have ever met, so full of mischief - and like me, she has the most fantastic love of sex. Behind that angelic exterior lies a soul of complete filth! I love the way she bites her bottom lip as she leans in for a soft, quick kiss.
Our lips part but we stay close together. “Well, fancy seeing you here.” I smile and kiss her back.
She touches my face with her fingers. “Mmm. Yes, fancy that.” More kisses, lots more lovely kisses before she remembers where we are.
“Oh, don’t stop, Annie.” I run my fingers through her hair, turning in my chair to face her and pull her closer to me, my arms going around her tiny waist. “Everyone else has gone home. We’re all alone. Alone in this big, bad, cold building.”
I shiver as her fingers stroke my legs before sneaking their way under my skirt. “Really? All alone? Just you and me?” I’m getting hot as her hand goes higher and a disgracefully wicked smile spreads over her face. In a swift and stealthy move, she eases a finger inside my panties. I gasp in delight as she tickles me intimately before removing her finger and sucking it suggestively.
I kiss her passionately then place my lips close to her ear, whispering. “Do you feel like doing something extra special naughty as our final farewell?”
Placing her finger back in my panties, she smiles. “Mmmm. Sounds interesting - and exciting. What do you have going on in that dirty girl mind of yours?”
“I’ve managed to get hold of the security code for the MD’s office.” That delightful finger is making me rather warm and moist. “Shall we go and misbehave ourselves very badly in the big bad boss’s room?”
“Oh, Sarah. I like the sound of that very much.” The finger rhythmically presses my moist flesh. She is so naughty, teasing me at my own desk and looking deceptiv
ely innocent while doing it.
“Mmmmmm....oh, Annie. And I really like the feel of that.” Widening my legs slightly, I smile and close my eyes. “Do it some more.” And she does. Quickening her circular motions, stroking along my wet folds and twirling over my clit. I let out a satisfied, deep groan as a quick, light orgasm hits me. I’ve always loved the sensation of hands-on and Annie is just superb.
Laughing throatily, she removes her finger, again licking my juices off in the most seductively sexy way. “I see that someone’s in a very horny mood today - by way of a change.”
“Oh yes!” There is just something that we seem to trigger in each other. It certainly isn’t love but it’s just that little bit more than good old fashioned lust. She’s a friend as well as a lover. With a big smile on my face, I grab her hand. “Come on. Let’s go have some wet and wild girl time in Monsieur Emil’s manly domain.”
Chapter Two
Like a pair of naughty, giggly schoolgirls, we run down the corridors, our heels echoing all around the empty building until we get to Emil’s office. The outer door is rarely locked but I make damn sure I lock it behind us - just in case. I don’t want anything or anyone to interrupt us. Annie does that biting her bottom lip thing of hers, smiling as I key the four digits into the keypad and unlock Emil’s door. She can’t control her excitement as she presses close against me, her hands groping my ass. God, she is quite simply adorable. We almost fall into his office and I quickly close the door, locking it. Bang on schedule.
Grabbing hold of Annie’s tiny waist, I spin her around to face me. That gorgeous figure of hers is shamefully concealed under that light grey business suit and I want her out of it. I allow myself a quick leer and a fondle of her ass before my desire for her gets the better of me. Making her jump and squeal, I slide both my hands into her trousers and, oh boy, does that sweet ass feel so fine. As usual, she wears the most miniscule thong imaginable - and believe me I’m doing some quite disgusting imagining! She sighs softly as I stroke each smooth, firm, delicious cheek.
I give her a squeeze as I lower my face to hers. I’m only five foot four in my bare feet but she can’t be more than five feet. A tiny bundle of burning fire. The slowest, most tender kiss soon becomes so much more passionate. Her flesh feels so good. I can’t wait to touch, to taste very inch.
As our passion increases, her fingers tousle my hair as she moans into my mouth. I ease one of my hands forward, over her thighs and between her legs. I don’t need to delve inside her thong to feel how wet she is. A few quick tickling movements are all it takes to increase the force of her mouth on mine before she pulls free to kiss my neck. I tilt my head back to enjoy the full effect of her hot breathe upon me.
As I take my hands out of her trousers to rest on her waist, she stands on her very tiptoes, her mouth against my ear and her hands on my breasts. “Come on, Sarah. Let’s go get naked.”
I lean down and kiss her hard on the mouth, my hands easing her jacket off her shoulders until it falls on the floor. Grabbing her hand, I lead her over to one of the black leather sofas at the far end of the room and continue undressing her. Those tiny, intricate pearl buttons on her blouse seem determined to do their best to hinder my progress - if I didn’t know of Annie’s all-consuming love of all things designer, I’d just rip the damned thing wide open. Those beautifully cut trousers are much easier, simply sliding over those slim hips of hers and falling to the floor.
How gorgeous she is, standing there in the palest ivory silk bra and thong. I kiss her, my hands caressing that luscious cloak of black satin flowing over her shoulders. “Oh, Annie. You are just so pretty.” That throaty chuckle of hers echoes round the room as I quickly reach round her back and undo the clasp of her bra, flinging it over my shoulder not caring where it ends up.
Annie has small pert breasts with large dark pink nipples. Taking each one in turn, I lick and suck them until they stand erect, like delicious, fresh raspberries. Their dark colour contrasts with her smooth golden skin. I listen to her soft moans as I kiss her breasts, stroking and kneading them, her fingers in my hair encouraging me - not that I ever need much encouraging.
She lets out a contented, dreamy sigh almost like the purr of a very contented cat. “I love your tongue.” she says dreamily. I quickly flick her nipples with the tip of my tongue before dragging it slowly up between her breasts, over her chest and up her neck until I reach her parted lips. Those soft lips rest against mine as I run my tongue over them before gently probing her mouth.
She suddenly gasps and pulls away, eyes open wide and her body tensing. “What was that?”
Chapter Three
“What was what?” The sight of her in the tiniest of scrap of lingerie still wearing almost kinky high heeled shoes makes me lick my lips and I quickly shed my blouse and skirt.
“I thought I heard a click then a kind of whirring noise.”
“Relax, gorgeous girl. It’s only your overactive imagination playing tricks on you.” I cup her pretty face in my hands. “There’s only you and me in here. No-one else knows we’re here - I promise.” I stroke her cheeks and kiss her passionately. She relaxes into me, those small breasts pressed against me.
“Sorry. Nerves, I guess.” She strokes my waist before getting her own back and unhooking the clasp between my breasts with amazing speed.
“Annie!” I shriek with laughter as my breasts spill free into waiting hands. I shrug it off and stand, legs parted and hands on hips. As she lowers her head to my breasts, I pull away from her. “Oh no you don’t! Get your gorgeous little ass on that sofa - now!” And without giving her time to response, I manoeuvre her backwards and playfully push her onto her back on the sofa.
“Argh - it’s cold!”
I throw my head back and laugh. “Oh, don’t you worry. I’ll soon warm you up. Can’t have you getting a chill now, can I?” I ease a knee between her thighs and push her arms over her head. I look down at her body with such envy - tiny without being too skinny or childlike; perfect breasts; such lustrous skin toned to perfection. I like my own body with all of its curves but I’d die to have one like hers so I intend to enjoy it as much as I can for this one final time.
Sneaky little thing that she is, she manages to raise herself up enough to take one of my nipples in her mouth, giving it a hard suck. Her tongue licks and flicks so nicely. It takes a lot of willpower to pull back. “No, no, no, you bad girl! Wait your turn!” I admonish, releasing her hands and sliding mine down her face to rest on her breasts. I massage them gently as my knee presses her at the hot spot between her legs. Hot - and very wet!
Those breasts are just too appetising to resist and I place my mouth over one nipple, sucking slowly. Happy moans and sighs fill my ears as I increase my speed and pressure, taking my other hand lower until it loiters just outside of that ivory silk triangle. Taking a single finger beneath the silky material, Annie gasps as I find her moistness.
I slide my finger along slick folds of womanly flesh, relishing her reaction. She squirms as I stroke her wet sex while suckling on one of her breasts. I start a circular motion with my finger, sliding around her swollen entrance. Her moans increase in volume as I take my finger inside her, the heel of my hand pressing against her clit.
“Oh.....Sarah....” she gasps, her voice catching in her throat. I sit up, taking my hand out of her very wet thong. Her eyes are partially closed, a slight flush on her chest. Leaning forward to kiss her, I ease her thong down as she raises her legs to help me. I toss it somewhere then admire the view. Lying there, artistically displayed against a background of soft, black leather, her golden loveliness already enhanced by a light sheen of sweat and her moist dew.
“Why, Annie - you look good enough to eat!”
Taking her legs wider, she shines those green eyes at me. “Please - feel free. It‘s an all you can eat buffet with your name on it.” The pearly lustre of her labia
is simply too much to resist and without needing to be asked again I lower my face between her thighs. Bare folds slick with her juice feel delicious and succulent as I take my tongue the full length of her. I press her outer lips with my thumbs as my tongue licks and flicks her entrance.
She wriggles and writhes as I kiss her pussy, poking my tongue inside her and drinking her juice as it flows from her. I take my hands up to massage her breasts as I lick and kiss her, savouring both her scent and her taste. One leg dangles on to the floor, her other is up against the back of the sofa as she squirms, hands thrown over her head in bliss. Moans and gasps tell me how close she is and I move to concentrate on her clit.
One last, long lick from back to front along slippery, wet, slick folds up to her swollen clit triggers a long gasp from Annie. I part my lips, placing them around her clit. I release her breasts and take a hand between her legs. She is so very wet that my hands easily slides along her folds as I kiss and suck her clit, giving it female head. Sucking and stroking as Annie presses my face into her sex, I take two fingers inside her, thrusting as I suck and suck.
Her head thrashes about on the sofa as I take a sneaky peak at her. The cool and aloof professional woman is nowhere to be seen. All I see is the most beautiful wild creature in a state of total, joyful abandon, surrendering to her body’s basic, animal needs. Her eyes are closed tight, her face almost in a grimace as she prepares to cast aside her last shred of control. I go back to her clit, suckling it as my fingers slide in and out coated in her lube.
“Oh...Sarah....oh....yes....!” Annie’s whole body arches as she screams out her orgasm. Her muscles grip my fingers tightly in a whole series of throbs as her body bucks and bounces. A steady stream of juice slides out of her which I eagerly lap up, my hands gripping her thighs to steady her. She gasps for breath as her climax travels through her body, shaking her.