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All the Colours of the Rainbow Page 3

  He rolls off and takes my hand, kissing it. “Oh, Sarah, you lovely creature. Most men will never experience such a passionate response from a woman. Your body honours me. You honour me greatly, chere.”

  I take a deep breath and tremble. “I think it’s you who honours me, Emil.” I take my hand down to stroke his cock. “Every time we make love, you satisfy my needs first when you must be aching for your own release.”

  He groans and closes his eyes. “Your response to my touch, your arousal and giving you pleasure only serves to arouse me more. It makes me feel more of a man.”

  “Will you please do something for me?”

  His eyes open slightly, his lust making them heavy. “For you, Peach, I will do anything.”

  I kiss him softly and take my lips to his ear. “Get on your back, Frenchman. It’s time to fly the flag.”

  He shuts his eyes, groans and smiles as he rolls onto his back. A lovely deep sigh escapes his lips as I take him in my hand and stroke. “Did I ever tell you, Emil, that I find you extremely, devastatingly attractive?”

  “No, Peach, you did not.”

  “Well, I do.”

  “Mmmmm....I am so glad that you do.” He moans as I free him before sliding him into my mouth, taking him deep. I press my tongue hard against his meaty shaft as I slide him back out into my hand. “So very glad.”

  I manoeuvre myself directly above him. “In fact, my darling Emil, you’re one of the sexiest men I’ve ever known!” The last word comes out as a groan as I relax my muscles and lower myself onto him. I gasp as I slowly take all of him inside me and come to rest fully impaled.

  Emil moans, his head thrown back, his hands resting on my hips. “Oh........Sarah.......” I could sit like this for hours - Emil hard inside me, my sex wet and yielding and extremely full. My God, how full and complete I feel with this man inside my body. And happy, so very happy - for the first time in a long, long time. “Erm ....... Sarah....?”

  His voice breaks me from my thoughts and I open my eyes. Emil’s handsome face is a picture of lust and desire - and it’s for me. Just that one thought is enough to make me dissolve. “Yes, Emil. What is it?” I smile, just gazing at his gorgeous face.

  “Would you be so kind as to begin your flight before I can bear this no more and throw you to your back and rut you like a wild stag?”

  I throw my head back, laughing as I wiggle my hips and Emil moans, cursing me. “I am simply relishing the moment.”

  His voice catches. “Could you not relish the moment by moving? You are killing me, mon chere.”

  I snigger and start to move - slowly. A chorus of sighs, moan and gasps fill the air as I start a slow, smooth ride. His thick cock and fat, bulbous head push hard against my slick walls as I ease myself up and down. Strong hands rest on my waist, guiding me, stroking and caressing.

  The sensation of taking control of him, of taking him deep inside my body at my pace is exhilarating. I keep my movements slow and easy, sighing in a combination of lust and joy each time he fills me. I feel simply fantastic as I gaze down at Emil, his face a picture of torment and pleasure, his eyes taking in my every move. He raises his hands to caress my breasts as I squeeze my muscles, gripping his cock-head. Emil gasps and draws his breath in sharply as I release then squeeze him again, loving the pressure of his cock pressing hard on my g-spot.

  I groan, resuming my thrusts, my hands on his. “Talk to me, Peach.” His voice is low and husky.

  I laugh but keep my rhythm. “You want to chat as I slide my flag up and down your enormous flagpole?”

  “Tell me how you feel as you make love to me.”

  “Oh - I see. You want dirty talk!” I smirk and do a quick grind, wiggling my hips.

  He holds me firm, his cock buried deep inside me, his beautiful bright blues looking right into the heart of me. “No, chere. Tell me how you feel - in here.” He puts a hand over my racing heart. “Tell me, beautiful girl, what it is that you feel.” Jesus, there is no hiding place from this man. I raise his hand to my lips and kiss each finger, just before his other hand slaps my ass. “Now, for the sake of my sanity, will you please move!”

  I lean forward to kiss him and then begin to shift. His hands return to fondle my breasts as I thrust a little faster. I close my eyes and try to put my feelings into words. “Oh, Emil.....I feel Just so damn fine.” I moan as I slide him deep over and over again. “You make me feel” I can’t find the words.

  His hands stroke all over my body. “Tell me, my love. Tell Emil your deepest thoughts. Open up your heart and soul to me. Do not be afraid.”

  As I thrust his cock hard and deep, I find my thoughts and feelings become as clear as the arousal building within me. I take one of his hands and hold it against my cheek. “I feel free. Happy. So very happy.” I kiss his palm, licking as I thrust quicker. “I feel so free from everything. I feel sublime, fantastic, so hot I could burst into flame! ”

  My breath is fast and shallow, my body getting ready for what lies ahead. Thrusting fast and hard, I cling to his hand, his other wrapped around my waist, helping me. “You’re everything, all of me. You make me want to fly.” I close my eyes, my heart beating so fast. “I’m flying! Oh, Emil, I’m flying!”

  “Tell me more, my love.” His voice is barely more than a whisper but I hear him so clear.

  “High in the sky, Emil. So high....” My thrusts are faster and faster, his cock pushing me to delirium. “ a blue, blue sky...your eyes...flying in your so blue eyes....” I’m so very close, my body as tense as a coiled spring, my sex fit to explode. I hold his hand tight as I grind him hard, my orgasm nearly here. “Colours, Emil.” I gasp. “Such dazzling colours.....flashes, bright white....sparks and flashes.” I moan and gasp as I grind, almost there. “Rainbows and bright beautiful colours.” I can hardly breathe, sweat trickling between my breasts. “Colours and flames and rainbows.........flying! I’m flying! Oh! Emil......oh......oh......Emil! Oh, Emil!” I scream out his name as I climax hard, my sex exploding around his cock, clenching and grasping him. I gasp, calling for him over and over again as my juices run down his cock.

  “Oh..Sarah! My beautiful flying Sarah!” He bucks up and pulls me down hard on him, groaning my name as he joins me, pushing his cock as far into me as he can. My clit takes a battering as he grinds his cock hard and more orgasms keep him hard and coming. After a lifetime or a moment - I don’t know which - he sits up and wraps my legs around him, keeping me snug against his body.

  All I can do is cling to him, gasping and shaking, my face buried in his neck. “Oh, Emil....”

  He kisses my head and whispers softly to me. “Tell me, my flying girl, what do you feel now?”

  I can’t move. “Molten like liquid gold. Invincible. Wonderful. Peaceful - like the sea after a storm.” I kiss his neck as I melt into him. “And so, so happy, you bloody sexy man.”

  Chapter Seven

  “You need a bigger bath.”

  “I’ve got plenty of room.”

  “Yes, but Peach, your legs are a little shorter than mine.”

  “This is true.”

  I could lie like this for hours. Lazing in the bath after an amazing few hours spent making love. I can’t believe I’m saying making love - not fucking, screwing, shagging, bonking. But that’s how it feels. Emil’s at the back and I’m nestled between his legs, my head on his chest. His arms are loosely wrapped around me and I feel so damn good. Our legs are intertwined and I wiggle a toe against him.

  “You stop that.”

  I turn slightly and plant a quick kiss on his arm, nipping him playfully. “Ow!” I get a swift smack on the ass and a splash of water hits me in the face. “What was that for?”

  “Leave me alone - you have worn me out enough already! I am in need of a rest before I indu
lge in any more shenanigans - is that the right word?”

  I laugh. “Oh yes!”

  He laughs and hugs me tighter. I hear quiet, satisfied sighs from him as he relaxes in the hot water. My hands move slowly about and the water gently splashes our arms. I lower my hands to his and move them up to rest on my breasts. He sighs and his thumbs make the slightest of movements across my flesh. “Of course, you realise, Peach, that we should not be making love. We should be making war!”

  “I seem to remember that we have had a few battles!”

  He chuckles. “Some things are worth fighting for. I was actually thinking of historical matters. France and England are enemies of old.”

  “Emil! That’s a dreadful thing to say!” I try to sound serious but can’t and laugh.

  “But it’s true. I am sleeping with the enemy!”

  “We haven’t actually done much sleeping but that isn’t actually what I meant.”

  He lowers his head to rest on my shoulder. “Then what did you mean?”

  Laughing, I chastise him. “Never, ever accuse a Welsh girl of being English - not if you ever wish to make love with her again!”

  “Welsh? But you do not sound Welsh. You have no accent.”

  “I’m Welsh by birth only, not by heritage. My family aren’t from Wales, it just happened to be where I was born.”

  He hugs me and kisses the top of my head. “You do not talk of your family. Why is that, Peach?”

  I hesitate before replying, taking a deep breath. “They’re not worth talking about.”

  “Will you tell me about them? Please.”

  I kiss his arm, taking another deep breath. “My father was Scottish, my mother English. My father died when I was two years old.” I turn to look at Emil. “There is no need to say that you’re sorry. I’ve no memory of him and it’s true that you can’t grieve for someone you didn’t know. My mother died a few years ago after a long illness. We weren’t close, hadn’t been for a very long time. She was a difficult woman, not easy to like.”

  “It cannot be easy to lose both your parents at such a young age. I am genuinely sorry, Peach. Have you siblings? Sisters? Brothers?”

  I hate dredging up the past. It serves no purpose. It’s the past because it’s gone. It’s done. It cannot be changed.

  “Sarah?” He tweaks a nipple, making me jump.


  He rests his chin on my head. “Let me in, Sarah. Please.”

  “I have two sisters. They’re ten and twelve years older than me. It was always them and me - even when I was a child. We had a falling out about ten years ago and haven’t spoken since.” I shrug. “Such is life.”

  “Your mother’s funeral must have given you and your sisters an opportunity to put it behind you and move on, surely?”

  I snort and pull his arms tighter. “I didn’t go.” I kiss his arm. “They didn’t see fit to tell me that she’d died. She’d been in the ground for two months before I knew.”

  He swears in French - at least it sounds like he’s swearing. “Oh, Sarah!” He almost squeezes the breath from me. “I do not know what to say.”

  “There was no love lost between me and my mother but I had the right to say my farewells to her. I will never forgive them for taking that from me. Never.” My chest hitches as old feelings resurface.

  “Thank you for telling me. It must be very painful for you. I cannot comprehend losing my parents. I love them both so very much.”

  I smile. “Your parents are adorable. You are very lucky.” I turn to see him, his face full of concern. “And they both are full of the joys of life - like their son.” He leans down and kisses me. “What about you, Emil? Brothers and sisters?”

  “Sadly, no. Just moi. Maybe I was enough! I was a very naughty child.” he laughs. I bet he was! “I think I would have liked a brother and maybe a sister also.”

  “If you want two sisters, you are welcome to mine!”

  He chuckles and hugs me. “Oh, Peach.” He’s still chuckling when I take my hands lower and stroke his thighs. His chest rises against me as he takes a deep breath and starts to caress my breasts. He scoops up some water and washes me with all the tenderness of a new parent. His stubbly chin grazes the top of my shoulder as he shifts to find a more comfortable position.

  “You need a shave.” I mutter, even though I like the sensations it can produce when it rubs and presses against my more tender parts.

  He chuckles, whispering in my ear, “Not as much as you do!”

  I shriek with laughter as his fingers tickle my sex and splash water at him. “You cheeky sod!” He laughs as he dodges splash after splash of water.

  “Now, Peach! Stop that! Behave!”

  Chapter Eight

  An idea forms in my mind and a slow smile spreads across my face. Carefully, I turn in the bath to face him and give him a quick kiss before putting my hands on the side of the bath and pushing myself up. I get out of the bath, aided by Emil’s trademark slap on the rump, and walk over to the bathroom cabinet.

  I turn back and stand by the side of the bath, water dripping from my body. He looks up at me as I hold something out to him. I crouch down by the side of the bath and watch his face react as it suddenly dawns on him what I want him to do. He sits up so quickly that water splashes out of the bath. He doesn’t know what to say, he simply stares at me. Reaching an arm out, Emil pulls me close. I’ve never known him lost for words. I kiss him and then stand and walk towards the door, briefly glancing back.

  I chuckle as from inside the bathroom, I hear him splashing about, trying to get out of the bath as quickly as he can without breaking his neck. He’s still silent as he enters the room, a towel wrapped round his waist barely concealing his excitement. My small pink safety razor is held as if it was made of solid gold. I sit on the edge of the bed, smiling. “Well?”

  Kneeling on the floor by my feet, he runs his hands up my calves to my knees. He looks up at me and I lean forward to kiss him, reassuring and encouraging him. Taking his time, he parts my knees and brushes the soft flesh that leads higher. He brushes his fingers through the damp triangle of multi-coloured hair.

  He looks up, smirking, his eyes full of fun. “So, my fire breathing Welsh dragon - how much do you want off?”

  I raise my foot off the ground and brush my toes against his cock which is poking through the front of his towel. It jumps in response. “It is entirely up to you, Monsieur. Full creative licence. Just don’t show it me in a mirror and ask me if that’s enough off at the back!”

  Emil grabs my foot and raises it high, forcing me to lie flat on my back and leans over me, placing one hand either side of my shoulders. “You know, you may regret saying that!” He kisses me as his cock nudges me in the stomach, making me laugh. Pulling away, he glances round the room searching for something. “I will need a shaving gel. What can I use?”

  “Oh - I hadn’t thought of that. I know, I know. What about some minty lube? It will make things nice and slippy. It’s in the top drawer of the bedside cabinet.” And because it’s minty, it will make things nice and tingly as well. Squeezing a small amount on to the palm of one hand, he rubs his hands together before massaging it through my hair and along the top of my inner thighs. I shiver with delight and more than a little anticipation as the tingling sensation begins to take effect.

  “Are you sure you want me to do this?” he asks, waving the razor at me. I smile and nod, settling myself down for his forthcoming attention. He kneels between my legs, raises one thigh and with his fingers pulls the flesh that runs to my groin taut. I feel short, careful strokes of the razor as he tidies a few stray hairs growing there. Then long strokes as he shaves from the bottom of my ass forward. I can feel myself getting warm as he strokes with his fingers to feel how silky smooth he makes my flesh. Again with the other leg, clearing the edge
s but stopping just short of my folds.

  His fingers tease the short hair of my bush as he starts trimming the front. Little, rapid movements, removing one stripe at a time. Small kisses rain down on my stomach as he trims more and more of my hair. I’m getting warm now. I sigh as he continues and I hear the rasping noise of the blades as the flow along the surface of my skin. Short but slow, firm strokes clear away most of the remaining hairs, leaving only a thin line of white which ends directly above my clit. I knew he wouldn’t be able to help himself!

  “Beautiful. Smooth and soft like the peach that you are.” he says, kissing the front of my newly-shaved mound and stroking the fuzz-free outer folds of my sex. The sensation of new bareness and tingling lubricant is distracting me and I lie there enjoying every second. Just as I begin to drift off, I gasp as I feel more lubricant being spread about between my legs. This beats the beauty salon by a considerable margin!

  Emil eases the blades along the very tip of my outer lips, taking great care. Stopping at my clit - which is starting to swell with arousal - he runs the razor down the other side. He pauses as he feels along their length, smooth and slick with not only man-made lube but my own feminine juices. I knew this would turn him on but I didn’t expect it to turn me on this much as well. What is usually just an act of tidiness has turned into a very personal, sensual and erotic act for two. I wouldn’t let anyone but Emil near my sex with a blade!

  He stands and tears his towel off. His erection is straining and I want him in me so bad. But I want him to finish what he’s started. I pick up the razor and hold it out to him, smirking. “Take it all off.” I manage to say, my breath becoming ragged as my heart races.

  He takes it from me, running his hand through his hair and smiling. “All off?”

  “All off.” I whisper as I smear my hand in the juice and lube mixture and reach up to stroke his cock. He must be suffering as I can feel the tip is already moist with pre-cum. I bring my fingers to my mouth and suck them clean as he drops to his knees, murmuring.